
Insights From Analytics + Data Science Thinkers and Doers

  •  Technology

    Believe the Hype: Real-World Data on Generative AI Adoption and Perception

  •  What's New

    How Generative AI and Governance Help Scale Enterprise Analytics

  •  Strategy

    Automating BI: Breaking Down Bottlenecks with Artificial Intelligence

  •  People

    Why You Need a Centralized Data Science Team

TechnologyMay 19, 2020
The Data School with Professor Joe Hellerstein: The Role of AI in Data Prep
What is AI’s role in the data preparation process? It doesn’t take much more than asking Siri to clean your data to realize that we can�...
StrategyApr 16, 2020
How To Use Data for a 3D View of Your Customers
Discover how you can leverage customer data to get a true three-dimensional view of your shoppers.
StrategyAug 21, 2019
How Analysts Survive Pressure and Find Release
Let’s break down the typical day in the life of analysts not using self-service analytics and point you in the direction of analysts who h...
What's NewMay 20, 2019
Data-Wrangling: Darum geht es
Von den Rohdaten zur Analyze: Vielleicht haben Sie den Ausdruck Data-Wrangling in diesem Kontext schon gelesen. Doch wofür steht er?