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Data Transformation Template:

Use Source to Target Mapping to Transform a Source Dataset to Match a Target Dataset’s Schema

Easily transform data using a mapping table between source and destination datasets

Mapping to a target schema Flow The flow view of this template

join, pivot, rownumber

This template allows source to target mapping t to a target dataset’s schema using a mapping table. The mapping table specifies which columns in the source should be mapped to columns in the target, as well as the final ordering of the columns in the target.

To make use of this template, simply swap out the input_customers.csv dataset with your own input dataset, as well as the columns_mapping.csv with your own mapping table. Note that both the input dataset and the mapping table are expecting the first row of the dataset to be a header row with column names, like most Excel files.

New user?

If your data is mostly on Google Cloud Platform, please use Dataprep. Otherwise, choose Designer Cloud.

Use in Designer Cloud Use in Dataprep