2019: Ein Jahr der Innovation mit Cloud Dataprep in der Google Cloud

What's New   |   Bertrand Cariou   |   Jan 18, 2020 TIME TO READ: 2 MINS

As we get into the new year, it’s a good time to look back in 2019 and reflect on a productive year of innovation bringing exciting new features to Cloud Dataprep, our solution jointly developed with Google. We’ve improved many different parts of the product, from adding new transformations and functions, to improving various user experience elements. Let’s take a look at the top features of 2019! 

1. Macros: Macros provide customizable, reusable sets of steps to build a shared library of recipes that you can leverage to more consistently and accurately prepare data to solve your analytics challenges.

2. Transform by Example: Transform by Example allows you to provide examples of how you’d like your data to be and Cloud Dataprep will figure out the steps needed to get there. This is magic!

3. Smart Cleaning: Smart Cleaning brings a new approach to quickly and intuitively resolve data quality issues such as standardization of values and patterns.

4. Active Profiling: blending visual guidance, user interaction, and machine intelligence into an intuitive experience is what Active Profiling offers. It enhances the ability to assess data quality issues to better clean and transform data.

5. Feature Engineering Transformations: feature engineering for AI/ML initiatives needs specific transformations such as One Hot Encoding, Binning, and Scaling.

6. Join Enhancements: simplifies the join experience by providing more visibility on the data throughout the join process and keep you in the transformer window.

7. Recipe Interaction Improvements: perform recipe operations on multiple steps such as multi-step disabling, moving, copying, and duplicating. 

Tip: You can also copy and paste multiple steps from one recipe to another, which enables the reuse of recipe parts in multiple flows.

Have you leveraged these new features yet to wrangle your data? Access Cloud Dataprep now and try them out!   

Happy Wrangling!
