
Strategy   |   Shane Remer   |   Jul 14, 2020 TIME TO READ: 4 MINS

“Big Companies Are Embracing Analytics, But Most Still Don’t Have a Data-Driven Culture.” Harvard Business Review

69% of executives in large corporations are using advanced analytics to drive better decisions.

27% are using analytics for innovation and disruption.

Today, you collect more than just basic machine, supply chain, transactional, inventory, and shipment data. Many of you also invest in collaborative shipping, location data, smart technologies, and more. However, just like other growing companies, you probably invested in technology as the need arose, which means that all this structured (e.g. customer transactions) and unstructured (e.g. social posts) data you have painstakingly collected is sitting in multiple, incompatible systems. The result? Data chaos. To get started with analytics, simply capturing data is not enough. You need the ability to:


Siloed systems mean different departments working off different and often incomplete views of data — and stakeholders coming to the table with different answers to the same problem. Consolidating data from inside and outside your organization for a single view of your customers, your supply chain, your sales and operations, and company performance helps you derive richer and more consistent insights that can improve decision-making.

Self-service analytics allows anyone in the organization to access the analytic power they need to deliver the results your manufacturing organization requires. Streamline the sharing of data results and insights throughout your organization by integrating powerful reporting and file output capabilities into the same intuitive workflow used for data blending and advanced analytics, so you can present analytic results to each stakeholder in the way he or she understands it best.

Whether your decision-makers want static graphs and charts or rich, interactive data visualizations in Tableau or Qlik, Alteryx gives you the flexibility you need to ensure the adoption of analytics in your organization. And by sharing analytic applications with frontline decision-makers and making them self-sufficient, you ensure that they always have access to consistent, up-to-date information, so you won’t miss out on that huge business opportunity or competitive lapse.


Poor-quality data and duplicate records not only annoy your vendors and partners, but also waste money. By standardizing data in different systems, eliminating record duplication, and expunging common data errors, you can reduce purchasing, inventory, and distribution errors. In addition, by simply streamlining the data, you can create better and more realistic demand forecasts, supplying vital fact-based information to your supply chain.

Match the analytical sophistication you require and go beyond simple query and reporting or OLAP (online analytical processing) drill-down capabilities. Perform sophisticated diagnostic analyses, generate reliable forecasts, model future scenarios, and incorporate location intelligence into all your analytic models with just a few clicks.

Again, no specialized programming skills are required because Alteryx includes pre-built R-based macros to support diagnostic, predictive, and spatial analytic modeling. The intuitive interface lets you drag and drop the analytic operations you need into the workflow and allows you to create analytic models quickly while experiencing faster time to insight.


Your own customer and transactional data can only give you limited insight about your customers, suppliers, or partners. By augmenting organizational data with third-party information such as trade area demographics, location-based data, distance to drive data, as well as partner and supplier data, you can gain valuable insights beyond your four walls and get a global, 360-degree view of your business.

Now you can easily access, prepare, cleanse, and blend all types and volumes of structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data, no matter where it is located. You can also eliminate data chaos and pull together all the data you collect across various systems into a single, consolidated view.

What’s more, you can improve the quality of your data by eliminating duplicate records and fixing data errors. This modern solution comes with pre-packaged third-party demographic, firmographic, spatial, and census data to give you deeper insights into your customers and market, which translates into improved and optimized decisions. Furthermore, you can share that data with ease across the globe.



Take a deeper dive into analytics for manufacturing with the full whitepaper, “Democratizing Data in Manufacturing.”


See how Cargill brings data closer to its line of business by adopting analytics and automating processes, enabling employees to make data-driven decisions.
