Use Case

Lead Routing


Automate lead routing to pass leads smoothly from marketing to the sales representative best suited to the prospect. With a robust, analytics-driven lead management process you can accelerate pipeline generation and close more business.

Efficiency Gains

Focus sales efforts on leads likely to close

Top-Line Growth

Close more deals

Risk Mitigation

Moderate customer outreach

Business Problem

How do you route incoming sales leads in your company? Most companies are moving away from manual processes like spreadsheets and ad hoc databases as quickly as possible and relying on customer relationship management (CRM) systems. CRM software distributes leads to salespeople according to criteria like geography, product, lead score, and availability of the sales representatives. But the more your sales organization grows, especially across territories and sales centers, the more work is involved in accurately routing and assigning leads. It becomes difficult to ensure that leads don’t fall into the cracks between marketing and sales, go stale, and turn into a sales opportunity for a competitor.

Analytics Solution

Automated lead routing shortens the response time in sales and keeps leads from going stale. When the lead is routed, the system instantly notifies a representative via text and email, facilitating a prompt reply to the inquiry.

With Alteryx, you can:

  • Automatically match new leads to sales representatives according to configurable attributes
  • Apply business rules to reroute leads if no match is immediately available, preventing leads from sitting in the queue and going stale
  • Once leads are assigned, you can make them easily accessible to your salesforce by automatically pushing them back into CRM systems such as Salesforce

Lead Scoring Designer Workflow

1 – Data Connection

Gather lead and account data from CRM Platforms like Salesforce, then clean up the data to maximize likelihood of matching a lead to an account

2 – Prep & Blend

Leverage 100+ different matching criteria to automatically match leads to existing customer or prospect accounts

3 – Process Automation

Automatically route new leads to the best person within the organization by leveraging various organization, geographic, and lead demographic constraints

4 – Data Communication

Push new owner and routing information back into CRM system and database for sales to action on, and to drive automated reporting of key lead metrics


Additional Resources

Starter Kit for Data Blending
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Starter Kit for Predictive Analytics
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Lead Scoring
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Alteryx + Snowflake

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