How Autodesk Used Automation to Accelerate Analytics by 66%

Due to the economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic, every company needs to do more with less. This has sparked a massive effort within organizations large and small to modernize processes, incorporate automation wherever they can and utilize data to increase the efficiency of their operations. However, not all operations are intuitive to automate and when it comes to cleaning, blending and structuring diverse customer data, many data teams get stuck.

In this live webinar, Autodesk’s John Gardner walks through the challenges his team experienced wrangling diverse sources of customer data to build a 360-degree view of their customers to identify cross-sell/upsell opportunities. John will share how his team established a cloud data platform combining Snowflake, AWS and Trifacta to automate traditionally siloed data preparation activities and reach new levels of efficiency with their analytics initiatives.

Join this webinar to learn how Autodesk:
– Reduced a process that used to take 3 hours down to just 1 hour
– Integrated Trifacta, Snowflake and AWS to create a scalable reporting system that can be refreshed in minutes
– Used automation to maximize team efficiency requiring fewer resources to bring together diverse customer data