Hosted by

Joe Hellerstein
Joe Hellerstein

Professor of Computer Science,
UC Berkeley
Co-Founder, Trifacta

Jeffrey Heer
Jeffrey Heer

Professor of Computer Science,
U. of Washington
Co-Founder, Trifacta

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Redefining Metadata and Data Science with Shirshanka Das

Redefining Metadata and Data Science with Shirshanka Das


What does metadata really mean? Data scientist Shirshanka Das joins The Data Wranglers, Joe Hellerstein, Jeffrey Heer and Adam Wilson, to re-define metadata. Das discusses his innovative work in data, including a decade at LinkedIn where he was part of a now-legendary data cabal that coined the term “data science” and built the open-source engineering tools Kafka, Pinot and DataHub. Recently, Shirshanka co-founded a new company, Acryl Data, to support the DataHub open-source project. #TheDataWranglers

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