Hosted by

Joe Hellerstein
Joe Hellerstein

Professor of Computer Science,
UC Berkeley
Co-Founder, Trifacta

Jeffrey Heer
Jeffrey Heer

Professor of Computer Science,
U. of Washington
Co-Founder, Trifacta

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The Inside Story of Apache Airflow with Steven Hillion

The Inside Story of Apache Airflow with Steven Hillion


What data orchestration platform is downloaded more than 10,000 times a day? Data scientist Steven Hillion joins The Data Wranglers Joe Hellerstein and Jeffrey Heer to give the inside story on Apache Airflow, used by data scientists and data engineers around the world. Apache Airflow is managed commercially by, where Hillion is Head of Data and in his spare time, is writing a book of poems from mathematic formulas. #TheDataWranglers

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