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Customer Story

B2B Agency Quarry Leverages Alteryx to support client ABM and Data governance Strategies


Quarry Key Stats

Industry: Marketing Service Provider

Department: Multiple

Region: North America


data across disparate databases to build ABM account prioritization model


data processing workflows from hours -> minutes


data governance rules to drive increased Marketo database health and management


Helping clients take a data-driven approach to identify and prioritize the right accounts to target for ABM

Quarry, a top-ranked B2B demand marketing firm, takes pride in helping their clients take a data-driven approach to planning, creating and activating campaigns and buyer experiences that drive demand. “We help our clients optimize the deployment and activation of data and technology to support and enable the people and processes driving successful demand marketing initiatives for their organization,” says David Chirakal, Group Director of Marketing Operations at Quarry. “Everything we do is data-driven to deliver our clients the insights they need to make informed decisions on how to best achieve the results they are seeking with their demand campaigns.”

When a client was looking to deploy an ABM (account-based marketing) strategy, the team at Quarry knew a key component to success would be ensuring the client selected and prioritized the right accounts to target. In order to find and focus on the right accounts, Quarry recommended leveraging the client’s available prospect account data to build a model that tiered accounts based on ideal fit (i.e. accounts that match their ideal account profile), intent (i.e. accounts that are showing signals they are in the market for a new solution), and engagement (i.e. accounts that are actively engaging directly with the client’s brand). The challenge would be working to merge data from disparate systems on these target accounts to build the selection and prioritization model.

“We had a lot of data that could be leveraged to help identify and prioritize the right accounts, and then segment into clusters to drive personalization,” Chirakal says. “But the data was in disparate systems, and we needed a way to merge it together to gain the insights needed.”

David Chirakal
Group Director of Marketing Operations


Connecting and optimizing disparate data sources together

The data required to build an effective account selection and prioritization model lived across the client’s account engagement platform (6Sense), marketing automation platform (Marketo), and customer relationship management platform (Salesforce). However, these platforms lacked integration and therefore getting a full view of data across all target accounts was difficult. To solve for this issue, the Quarry team chose a solution they already had been using for several years to help merge data sets across systems. “We’ve been using the Alteryx APA Platform with our clients for a few years now and I knew it would be the best approach,” says Dwight Newbold, Senior Marketing Data Analyst at Quarry.

“When we first discovered the Platform, we started out with a series of trials and we built some workflows that demonstrated we could crank through multiple client lists in a way we couldn’t before.”

“Leveraging the knowledge gained from previous trials, Alteryx was used to remove data silos for our client. We were able to clean our data much more effectively, improve overall data integrity, and connect disparate data sets to build a model that helped our client identify and prioritize the best accounts to target for their ABM initiatives. And throughout the process, we were also able to connect with Alteryx’s network of partners for relevant support.”

“The project to build an account selection and prioritization model using Alteryx also helped us identify and improve data quality issues our client’s Marketo database,” Newbold says. “We enriched the database by 50% and optimized data governance by identifying the records that should continue to live and be targeted within the database versus those that could be purged. This helps optimize Marketo for better performance and helps reduce overall spend on their platform.”

Dwight Newbold
Senior Marketing Data Analyst


3 Reasons Quarry Chose Alteryx:


Seamless integration with other platforms and data systems


Network of partners and support


Automation of manual processes


Empowering the workforce to meet client needs with data

Newbold and Chirakal believe that even during times of struggle, they can meet client needs with greater efficiency and effectiveness. “Over the last five years our client base has been leaning on us to provide our data and analytics capabilities,” Chirakal says. “We’ve been able to improve the way we work through Alteryx. The platform has given us the ability to offer additional services to our clients because of its numerous capabilities and features, and there’s less limitation of access to disparate data sources.”

“Alteryx provides me with a powerful platform that gets me to the end point quicker,” says Newbold. “Alteryx does everything I need it to do, and it frees up time for me to be more innovative. It takes minutes to run a workflow now, instead of spending hours doing manual processes. I say to myself, ‘Wow! I don’t know if I would have been able to do any of this in Excel.’”

“The most important thing is that I know our client satisfaction has gone up as it relates to our data analytics services since we started using Alteryx.” Chirakal says. “We can move quickly and confidently, especially during this time when clients are under pressure to move fast. We’ve seen an increase in margins and profitability, and Alteryx has allowed us to deliver more value, which in turn leads to better working relationships with all of our clients.”


The most important thing is that our client satisfaction has gone up since we started using Alteryx. We can move quickly and confidently.


David Chirakal, Group Director of Marketing Operations



What's Next?

Continuing to leverage data and analytics resources to ensure client success

So what’s next? Quarry will continue to utilize the resources they have at their disposal. “We want to explore new avenues, such as enabling our team to build no-code/low-code predictive models with machine learning. We also want to leverage assisted modeling for our clients and see more of what the AI side of the Platform can do,” Chirakal says.

“We know that Alteryx will be an integral part of what we do for our clients going forward. “We will be designing and executing programs that show measurable KPIs to our clients. Many clients struggle to understand what data is important and what they need to do as a result of specific insights, so it’s all going to be a core focus of our organization.”

“I feel like the sky is the limit for what I can do with the Platform,” Newbold says. “We’re going to continue automating processes and make sure data is easy to understand for our clients. I’m going to share my innovations with my team and with Alteryx Community. It all makes me feel very empowered.”


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