Data Analytics: A Gateway to Higher Education’s Future
A report by Jeff Selingo
A report by Jeff Selingo
For decades, enrollment in higher education has grown organically; however, now that trend is shifting. To keep pace with the ever-changing demands of industry, colleges and institutions need to create programs aligned to the job market and embed in-demand skills throughout the curriculum
Read the latest report, Data Analytics: A Gateway to Higher Education’s Future, by noted journalist and higher education author Jeff Selingo, to understand how students and graduates with higher ed data analytics and visualization skills will have a far-reaching impact across industries.
To help colleges and universities maintain their relevance with learners and industry, there are four pillars that, when put in place, can help them thrive in the face of an increasingly skeptical marketplace:
Download this report to better understand what it takes to build data literacy across the curriculum to drive enrollment for higher ed data analytics courses and academic transformation.
This report is part of a three-part series, with the first called Building Data Talent for the Decade Ahead. The first report talks about the growing need to equip higher ed students with “data acumen” to prepare them for successful future careers in data analytics. You will receive the link to the first report after you download the latest one.